Our marks

Pavimenti De Filippi produces and distributes using also other well-known and valued marks.

Astoricchio De VitisAstoricchio & De Vitis

The historic brand Astoricchio & De Vitis was born in 1955 with a people company between Angelo Astoricchio and Raffaele De Vitis.

Since 2007 the mark has been taken over from Fabbrica di Mattoni Osvaldo De Filippi S.n.c. that continues the production of its exclusive flooring.

Visit the dedicated website clicking on the button below.

Astoricchio & De Vitis

IMA PavimentiIMA Pavimenti

A company active in the production of floor, opened in 1958 by Ugo De Filippi.

In 2003, at the closure, the moulds and the production plants have been donated by the heirs to the Fabbrica di Mattoni Osvaldo De Filippi.

Venix StyleVenix Style

In 2014 De Filppi completed the acquisition of technologies and machineries of Venix Style, a leading firm in the venetian flooring production.

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